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Protecting yourself from COVID-19 How to Prevent the Spread of the Novel Coronavirus
How face masks protect you and help stop spread of COVID 19 (Coronavirus)
COVID-19: Wear a well-constructed, well-fitting and properly worn mask or respirator
HOW TO WEAR MASK SAFELY (COVID 19) - Coronavirus Safety For Seniors (And Everyone Else)
FACE SHIELDS: Is Wearing a Face Shield As Protective as Wearing a Mask?
COVID-19: Wear a well-constructed, well-fitting, properly worn mask or respirator (described video)
#askHKUMed on COVID-19: Is mask effective to prevent the #coronavirus?
Masks? Washing? How to protect against coronavirus
WATCH: The importance of wearing a facemask during the coronavirus pandemic
Mask Mythbusting Episode 1: Mask Basics
How to Select and Wear a Mask For Coronavirus Protection